

Secondary 1 to 3 offer a broad general curriculum with a good balance among languages, arts, science, cultural and practical subjects as well as moral education and physical education.

In Secondary 4 to 6, students can choose 3 electives from a range of 10 subjects besides the 4 core subjects: Chinese, English, Mathematics and Citizenship and Social Development.

Students will take the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination at the end of Secondary Six for admission to tertiary institutes through the Joint University Programmes Admission System (JUPAS).

As an E.M.I. (English as the Medium of Instruction) school, our school adopts English as the teaching medium in most subjects with the aim of achieving biliteracy (Chinese and English) and trilingualism with the inclusion of Putonghua.

Lessons are arranged on a 5-day week basis. Sports and Leadership Training Programmes as well as Instrument Classes are offered after school and on Saturdays.

303 Kwai Shing Circuit,
Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong
2429 4051
2420 7693
Monday to Friday
8AM - 5:30PM
9AM - 12PM
(Except public holidays)
Image of bus 32H 34 38
87 87K 89 89M 94 407